
Membership in Family Vocation Ministries is free. As members, families will receive periodical updates of our apostolate and ministry. Catholic material will also be distributed to help promote holiness among families. All members receive the following:

  • A free issue of the Magnificat®
  • A free Rosary (if desired, for each family member)
  • A free Scapular (if desired, for each family member) with enrollment rite
  • Access to our database containing all the talks from each of our Family Vocation Days. These talks will be made available online to download or can be requested to be sent via data CDs through the postal mail
  • Catechetical CDs explaining various Catholic doctrines, Traditions and prayers
  • Laminated Prayer Cards for each of the four specific Family Vocation Ministry Intentions
  • Enrollment in our newsletter which keeps our families updated on our apostolate and ministry
  • An EWTN TV Schedule
  • Pamphlets and information on vocations, i.e. the priesthood, the consecrated life, and the married life
  • Enrollment in our ever-growing Family Vocation Ministry Prayer List

Most of the Catholic items are distributed at the same time. Some material may be distributed on a later date.

What are members asked to do?

  • Pray daily [preferably as a family] for the perseverance and fidelity of their Bishop and Pastor
  • Pray daily [preferably as a family] for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life (as well as for the perseverance and fidelity of priests and consecrated religious)
  • Pray daily [preferably as a family] for our apostolate, namely the success of our Family Vocation Days
  • Foster, promote and pray for holiness in family life; first among their own family and then to others
  • To be faithful and obedient to Holy Mother Church and Her teaching office, the Magisterium

Laminated Prayer Cards will be provided for each specific intention.

How to Join

You may join Family Vocation Ministries online or complete and return the Membership Form. Please note, your information is solely used for our ministry and will not be given to any other party.


Please check the Newsletter section of the site periodically for availability.

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