What to Expect

Centered on the Holy Eucharist

All Vocation Days will include the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and an hour of Eucharistic Adoration.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

During the Eucharistic Holy Hour confessions will be heard. All are welcome to experience the mercy of God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Two of the Church’s Greatest Gifts are Utilized

Families will hear vocation stories from both priests and consecrated religious. Each religious, priest, or seminarian will share their divine calling and implement an element of Catholic doctrine/saint/devotion/sacrament that helped them receive their call.


A Family Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration will be offered before the Blessed Sacrament for the end of abortion, euthanasia, and the contraception mentality. Reparations are asked to be made for those promoting a culture of death.

To Jesus Through Mary!

Vocation Days will also include the recitation of the most Holy Rosary, the “Sub Tuum” (an ancient prayer to our Lady), and will usually be held on Saturdays – the day traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

St. Joseph, our Patron

All Vocation Days will be under the patronage of St. Joseph. The Litany of St. Joseph will be prayed, seeking his help and protection.

For the Families and with the Families

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet, socialize and eat with the Priests, Religious, and Seminarians and also to participate in an activity with them (talent show, question and answer session, etc.)
Booths will be available for the priests, seminarians, and religious can represent their diocese and/or religious communities. This will also provide an opportunity for families to learn more about a variety of vocations.
Although Family Vocation Ministries’ primary apostolate is to sponsor, pray and coordinate “Family Vocation Days” there are other events such as Confirmation retreats, Parish missions, Days of recollection, Adult weekend retreats, Catholic Family Movie Nights, etc. that the ministry is capable of coordinating and hosting upon request.

We Work for You!

Family Vocation Ministries serves the Church both in an active and contemplative approach.
The active aspect of our ministry is to sponsor and coordinate Family Vocation Days. Our goal is to make all of our Family Vocation Days FREE. We do not want any obstacles hindering families to learn more about vocations and experiencing the excitement of our vocation days.
The following are the expenses funded for by the ministry, which includes the cost of (but not limited to):

  • The Family Vocation Day speakers: Priests, Religious, and Seminarians
  • Flyers and Posters: Designed, Printed, and Distributed
  • Digital Recordings of the Vocation Talks and Spiritual Conferences
  • Registration for the Family Vocation Day which is done via the Internet or by postal mail
  • If not provided for by the parish, lunch for all the participants
  • Entertainment (done primarily by priests and religious) during lunch
  • Catholic Material for the Family: A Magnificat® (daily Mass readings and prayers), Rosaries, Scapulars, Catechetical CDs, Catholic Pamphlets (on the Eucharist, Adoration, Confession, the Rosary, etc).

The contemplative component of our ministry is to pray daily for an increase of vocations and specifically for our Family Vocation Days. By doing this, the Priests, Consecrated Religious, and families who participate in our Vocation Days are aided spiritually by many prayers and sacrifices, and thus help to bear fruit in our apostolate.
To aid us in this part of our ministry, local monasteries and convents will be charitably asked to pray for our vocation days.

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