Family Vocation Days Open Up Great Opportunities

Visiting at a Family Vocation DayHosting a Family Vocation Day can help Catholic communities in many ways:

  • May be used as a retreat for Confirmation and religious education
  • Exposes dioceses and religious communities to potential vocation candidates
  • Allows the priest of a parish to share his vocation story and to communicate more to his parishioners in a social setting
  • Strengthens the bond of parishioners and aids in the networking of families
  • Catechizes the faithful concerning topics such as the Eucharist, Confession, and the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Gives an opportunity for seminarians and religious to gain experience and evangelize
  • Great precursor to a parish mission
  • Increases the vitality of a parish community as a whole

Beyond Priestly and Religious Vocations

Although the primary purpose is to expose and catechize the faithful regarding priestly and religious vocations, other catechetical teachings are explained at our Vocation Days. The universal call to holiness is the core message preached during our Vocation Days. Parents are asked to persevere faithfully in the sacred covenant of matrimony and are asked also to be supportive, if they believe their children are called to a priestly or religious vocation. Children are told they can be saints at an early age from Priests and Religious who communicate the Gospel in a fun, loving way. Young Adults encounter the joy radiated through faithful Priests and Religious. These young adults are given the opportunity to know the happiness received by God through sacrificial love in doing God’s will.

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